These materials below will help you to prepare for fluency building lessons on the topic: What is the Meaning of Life?

How to use the materials:
Firstly, look at the topic questions - we will start the lesson by answering these. Then look at the materials that I have chosen to help you to start building your vocabulary and ideas around the topic and to answer the questions. Each material has been given an approximate difficulty level to understand which will suit you best.
The main focus of individual lessons is to use the materials as the basis of natural conversation about the topic to give you the opportunity to really develop your speaking skills, identify missing vocabulary, correct grammatical and pronunciation errors and actively teach you skills that will bring your English forwards.
When using the materials, write down any new vocabulary that you think you would need to talk about the topic - Any new vocabulary can be learnt most effectively using Anki flashcards. If you find a lot of new vocabulary, set a limit to how much you want to learn and only learn what you think is most relevant for yourself. Also, make a note of any questions that you have about the language or grammar used in the materials to discuss together.
What is the Meaning of Life?

What do you think is most important to have a good life?
How can people live their lives in the most meaningful way possible?
What do you think is the meaning of life? This post thinks about some different perspectives to answering this question. Before looking at the materials below, let's take two fundamental questions which we will try to answer in a lesson;
Lets start with this Ted talk which considers some ideas about happiness.
A clear driver behind many peoples ways of living is the need to earn money. This article on the Conversation questions where we should try to find the right balance between what we need and what we earn; How much money do people want to achieve their ideal life? Our research gave a surprising result.
Another interesting perspective is to think about what people say they found most important in life at the end of their lives; have a look at the article Top 5 Regrets of the Dying to understand this a bit more.
The last article that I will post here is another one from the Conversation; The meaning of life – a psychologist’s view.
Over to you
Having thought about the topic questions to answer and looked through some of the materials you are ready to talk about this topic for some excellent speaking practice and to activate any new language you have learnt!