These materials below will help you to prepare for fluency building lessons on the topic: Should We Have Boycotted The World Cup In Qatar?

How to use the materials:
Firstly, look at the topic questions - we will start the lesson by answering these. Then look at the materials that I have chosen to help you to start building your vocabulary and ideas around the topic and to answer the questions. Each material has been given an approximate difficulty level to understand which will suit you best.
The main focus of individual lessons is to use the materials as the basis of natural conversation about the topic to give you the opportunity to really develop your speaking skills, identify missing vocabulary, correct grammatical and pronunciation errors and actively teach you skills that will bring your English forwards.
When using the materials, write down any new vocabulary that you think you would need to talk about the topic - Any new vocabulary can be learnt most effectively using Anki flashcards. If you find a lot of new vocabulary, set a limit to how much you want to learn and only learn what you think is most relevant for yourself. Also, make a note of any questions that you have about the language or grammar used in the materials to discuss together.
Should We Have Boycotted The World Cup In Qatar?
The 2022 World Cup recently kicked off in Qatar and there has been a lot of debate around Qatar's human rights record, in particular with regards to the impact that the countries strict religious laws have on women and homosexuals.

What are the main concerns about human rights in Qatar?
Do we have a moral obligation to boycott the World Cup?
Firstly, this videos from the BBC gives an overview of the impact that Qatar's religious laws will have on the World Cup. What does the video tell us about the experience of certain groups of people in Qatar?
The second resource that is really worth looking at is an article called Should fans boycott this World Cup? Our readers debate a moral quandary. The responses are interesting from the perspective that firstly they give a wide range of different perspectives to the question, but also because they are written as if they were spoken, which is good practice for thinking about naturally spoken English.
Another interesting format to look at is a cartoon published by the Guardian called a Qatar World Cup worker’s death by ‘natural causes’ which gives some insight into the treatment of migrant workers in building the world cup stadiums.
Lastly, this isn't about Qatar, but this article called Dubai Unveils Plans for Worlds Largest Human Rights violations from the satirical news website The Onion shows that even amongst a pretty depressing situation, there is still some scope for humour...
Over to you
Having thought about the topic questions to answer and looked through some of the materials you are ready to talk about this topic for some excellent speaking practice and to activate any new language you have learnt!