These materials below are based on a section of a podcast with Russel Brand and Jordan Peterson talking about recognising political diversity and differences between people;

How to use the materials:
Firstly, look at the questions that relate to the topic and the contents of the section of podcast- we will start the conversation by answering these. Then read the article and translate any new vocabulary in it - Any new vocabulary can be learnt most effectively using Anki flashcards.
The main focus of fluency building lessons is to use natural conversation to give you the opportunity to really develop your speaking skills, identify missing vocabulary, correct grammatical and pronunciation errors and actively learn the skills that will bring your English forwards. By basing the lessons on different source materials we are able to have a clear structure to the contents of the lesson as well as giving you some excellent exposure to good English to learn from as preparation for the lesson.
1. Do societies need political diversity? and if so, to what extent?
2. How are conservatives and leftists described by Jordan Peterson, and how do they work together?
3. Does this concept apply equally to politics as to businesses?
The Podcast Section:
Listen to the section of this podcast ( ) starting from 1:31:28 to the end. The catalyst for this section is the idea that recognising political diversity could sometimes be linked to the concept of inferiority, that by finding differences between people that we are somehow identifying a hierarchy between people.
The language used is quite complicated, and a transcript of the entire podcast is here
The transcript of the section used here is below;
Transcript from: 1:31:28
RB: Yes, yes. There is something important happening. I feel like what we were saying before about the acknowledgement of difference needn’t infer inferiority—that is something that we must invite. JP: This is part of what the radical leftists keep saying: "we should celebrate diversity." It’s like, "yes! But what that means, first, is the admission that people actually differ. Otherwise, you don’t actually have diversity." I’m glad that there are conservatives. I’m glad that there are leftists. The conservatives run things; the leftists invent them. Good! And they’re really different, those people. If you have a group that’s all conservatives, and they’re going down the right path, they’re going to go down that path really fast. But if they’re going down the wrong path, they’re not going to be able to think laterally and figure out how to get out of it. If you have a group of left-leaning creative types, they’re going to come up with a hundred ideas, but the probability that they’ll organize in a stable hierarchy and implement those effectively is zero. They’re going to have to call over the conservatives: "look, guys, we finally got a good idea. You can have one idea, because you’re conservatives. Run with it." And then they can all run with it. And so it’s really good that we have people who are like that, on both sides of the distribution. Otherwise, the creative types would sit around and come up with new ideas until they starve to death in squalor, and the conservatives would just ossify and run down a road that got narrower and narrower and narrower, and they’d all end up stuck between two cliffs, and that’d be the end of it for both of them. RB: Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. We require synthesis. JP: That’s the interplay of opposites—actual opposites. RB: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The yin-yang. There needs to be necessary collusion between distinction. But for that to happen, there needs to be acknowledgment and recognition of difference. But trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category is not a successful route. JP: Yes. That’s exactly right. That is not a successful route. RB: Thank you Doctor-Professor Jordan Peterson. We have good chats, don’t we? JP: That was great. Yeah. That was really good. Absolutely. Thanks for inviting me back. RB: Oh, no. Thank you. Thank you for your time.
Useful Language Exercise:
Which prepositions are needed in the following;
1. The acknowledgement ________ something.
2. The recognition ________ something.
3. to go ________ the right path.
4. to come up ________ something.
5. to figure something ________.
6. to organise ________ something. (a group, a hierarchy etc).
7. to call somebody ________.
8. to run ________ something.
9. to be stuck ________ two things.
10. to achieve something ________ something.
*the answers are on the next page.
Answers to the exercise:
1. The acknowledgement of something.
2. The recognition of something.
3. to go down the right path.
4. to come up with something.
5. to figure something out.
6. to organise in something. (a group, a hierarchy etc).
7. to call somebody over.
8. to run with something.
9. to be stuck between two things.
10. to achieve something with something.